Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Super Bowl Commercials

     In class we went over some advertising techniques that we could use on our magazine by watching Super Bowl commercials and taking notes of what the different brands used to sell their product.

Know- Advertisers use persuasive techniques to persuade consumers to buy their product or support their cause.

Understand- Most techniques are an emotional appeal or an appeal to sensibility.

Do- Write down the following information for 3 commercials- Product, Target audience, Persuasive techniques.

1. Product- Skittles
Target audience- 40-60 years range
Persuasive techniques- Use of celebrity Steven Tyler, attempting to be humorous

2. Product- Hyundai
Target audience- Parents, 20-40 years range
Persuasive techniques- Car finder, use of celebrity Kevin Hart, use of humor

3. Product- Honda Avalanche
Target audience- 35-45 years range
Persuasive techniques- Truck bed audio, humorous (sheep and dog), use of common know artist for age range: Queen

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