Friday, February 19, 2016

Blog Revisions

     On my blog I have gone back and edited a couple of posts from the past.

Magazine Pictures Post:
  • Edited and differentiated between pictures I took and the professional pictures that were sent to me to use in rough draft of my magazine
  • Added captions at the bottom of my pictures to explain where I planned to use them in my magazine and what the pictures were of
  •  Changed the titles of both posts to be more specific 

Magazine Article Post:
  • Edited the spelling errors in the article that had been posted
  • Split up the article into paragraphs to make it easier to read

Blogs From the Past:
  • I went back and added graphics to plain blog posts to spice them up
  • The pictures were relating to the posts to grab attention or further explain the post
  • Added spaces to make posts easier to read and look less cluttered 
  • Added more sentences to shorter paragraphs on updates

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