Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Class Feedback

     During the class feedback they made a couple of suggestions as to what I should fix on my blog and magazine to improve it.

  • Add caption underneath pictures of what shot they are and what mood they help to create
  • More in depth of magazine distribution and marketing

The Cover
  • Spelling mistakes 
  • The colors of the text needs to be changed to be more visible
  • The background of the cover needs to be replaced with picture I take
  • The title should be moved up
  • The font of my title should be changed to be more "fashionable"

Table of Contents
  • Title font changed 
  • Pictures changed to be ones taken by me
  • Letters of content capitalized

First article page
  • Change color of article title 
  • Replace top picture with picture of my own

Second article page
  • Change color of article title
  • Replace second picture with my own
  • Space two pictures out to use third one on first page

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