Friday, November 6, 2015

Film Project

     The second project offered in AICE Media Studies is the film project. The project must be 2 minutes long and show off the film techniques we have acquired during the school year. The problem with this film project is you have to make an opening scene that is only 2 minutes long that is impacting. I'm not sure I would be able to make an impacting opening scene in such a short amount of time. The film must also of course have a script and actors. Since I plan on working alone I would have to be the one to write the entire script, find the actors, and direct them as well. I am currently enrolled in 4 AICE classes leaving me with very little time to write the script, find the actors, and direct. This worries me I have never written a film script or directed before. Finding actors to be willing to be in my film and also having the same schedule as them to find the time to film would be difficult. The actual filming would pose a problem, getting all the actors together, and filming under good weather conditions would be possible problems. The only thing I would feel comfortable about the film project is using film techniques that we have learned in this class. In our notebooks we have lots of these terms defined and we have seen these techniques being used in the films we have watched in class. I'm still not sure of which project I should choose because both have their pros and cons.

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