Monday, March 7, 2016

Question #4: Creative Critical Reflection Draft

4. How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online - in this project?

     To make my magazine I used Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Word, my phone's camera, marketing, distribution, magazine cover websites, and Gmail. Microsoft publisher was used to actually make the magazine product; the cover, table of contents, and article pages. Microsoft Word was used to type the interview questions and answers. The camera I used to take pictures for my magazine was my phone's camera (iPhone 6s Plus). I used the internet to find marketing and distribution websites so I could get an idea of how I could distribute my magazine product. Also, I used it to find cover, table of contents, and magazine layout ideas for my magazine. Gmail was a very important resource this is how I communicated with the store I interviewed for the article in my magazine (Shore). Through Gmail I was able to schedule an interview with the marketing coordinator and was also able to know her working schedule. This way I knew when I could come in to take pictures so she would be there to approve them.

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