Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Magazine Interview Questions

1. How did the business originate?

2. What year did the boutique open?

3. Do you have more boutiques in Florida or in other states?

4. How did you come up with the boutique's name?

5. Why did you decide to have a teen boutique instead of having the traditional older demographic boutique?

6. How do you survive in a city that predominantly targets older demographics?

7.  How does the boutique draw in teen customers?

8. Is the boutique popular with teens?

9. How do you advertise? Market?

10. What type of teen audience are you targeting?

11. Does your boutique appeal only to teens?

12. How do you stay current with the latest fashion?

13. What type of clothing brands does the boutique offer?

14. What type of price ranges are available in store?

15. Is the store profitable?

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